Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Lab 3: Neogeography

View Sightseeing in Taipei Utilizing the MRT in a larger map

I chose to do a map on popular places in Taipei that can be reached utilizing the Taipei MRT (Municipal Rapid Transit). The traffic in Taipei is highly congested, making the MRT the most popular transportation because it is cheap, convenient, and accessible. The line connecting Taoyuan International Airport to Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall Station shows the route that one must take by bus or taxi from the airport to the MRT station because currently there is no station at the airport yet. According to Taipei Times, "The MRT line connecting Taipei to Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport is scheduled to open in 2014." I chose Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall to be the first stop because it is at the heart of Taipei. From there, one can take the MRT train to various types of attraction in Taipei, such as the famous Shilin Nightmarket or the Taipei Zoo.

Neogeography is the creating and sharing of maps to offer insight on a personal level. According to Turner (2006), neogeography is about “…people using and creating their own maps, on their own terms and by combining elements of an existing toolset. Neogeography is about sharing location information with friends and visitors, helping shape context, and conveying understanding through knowledge of place.” Neogeography offers insight on a more personal level than GIS in that the maps are drawn from personal experiences. However, this form of mapping can contain certain pitfalls. Unlike GIS, neogeograpraphy is used by amateurs, so the results can be a bit biased because people view things from different perspectives. The information presented by the maker can also be misleading because of misinterpretation. Nevertheless, neogeography has great potential because it is flexible and can be changed, whereas GIS is rigid. Neogeography lets people learn from other people’s experiences and gain valuable information from the world around them.

George, Maxine. "Madame Chiang- The Dragon Lady Who Bridged the East and the West." Oct 20, 2010.
Papahapon2. "Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport." Oct 20, 2010.
Shuflies. "228 Memorial Museum." Oct 20, 2010.
Thomashan1. "Baby bear playing at Taipei zoo." Oct 20, 2010.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Lab 2: USGS Topographic maps

1. What is the name of the quadrangle?
Beverly Hills Quadrangle

2. What are the names of the adjacent quadrangles?
Canoga Park, Van Nuys, Burbank, Topanga, Hollywood, Venice, Inglewood

3. When was the quadrangle first created?

4. What datum was used to create your map?
National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929

5. What is the scale of the map?

6. At the above scale, answer the following:
a) 5 centimeters on the map is equivalent to how many meters on the ground?
1200 m (0.05x24000)
b) 5 inches on the map is equivalent to how many miles on the ground?
1.89394 miles (5x24000/5280/12)
c) one mile on the ground is equivalent to how many inches on the map?
2.64 in. (1x5280x12/24000)
d) three kilometers on the ground is equivalent to how many centimeters on the map?
12.5 cm (300000/24000)

7. What is the contour interval on your map?
20 feet

8. What are the approximate geographic coordinates in both degrees/minutes/seconds and decimal degrees of:
a) the Public Affairs Building;
Degrees/minutes/seconds: 34°4'30"N, 118°26'00"W
Decimal degrees: 34.075°N, 118.433°W
b) the tip of Santa Monica pier;
Degrees/minutes/seconds: 34°0'27"N, 118°30'00"W
Decimal degrees: 34.0075°N, 118.5°W
c) the Upper Franklin Canyon Reservoir;
Degrees/minutes/seconds: 34°7'10"N, 118°24'25"W
Decimal degrees: 34.119°N, 118.407°W

9. What is the approximate elevation in both feet and meters of:
a) Greystone Mansion (in Greystone Park);
560ft; 170.688m
b) Woodlawn Cemetery;
140ft; 42.672m
c) Crestwood Hills Park;
620ft; 188.976m

10. What is the UTM zone of the map?
Zone 11

11. What are the UTM coordinates for the lower left corner of your map?
3,763,000m N; 362,000m E

12. How many square meters are contained within each cell (square) of the UTM gridlines?
(363,000 - 362,000) x (3,764,000 - 3,763,000) =1,000,000 square meters

13. Obtain elevation measurements, from west to east along the UTM northing 3771000, where the eastings of the UTM grid intersect the northing. Create an elevation profile using these measurements in Excel (hint: create a line chart). Figure out how to label the elevation values to the two measurements on campus. Insert your elevation profile as a graphic in your blog.

14. What is the magnetic declination of the map?
14 degrees East

15. In which direction does water flow in the intermittent stream between the 405freeway and Stone Canyon Reservoir?
From North to South

16. Crop out (i.e., cut and paste) UCLA from the map and include it as a graphic on your blog.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Lab 1: Maps

The "Marauder's Map" from the book "Harry Potter" is one of my favorite maps. It was created by James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew during their school days at Hogwarts. It is a magical map that gives a detailed layout of Hogwarts, including its hidden passageways and other mysteries. The map appears to be a blank sheet of parchment that is only activated when the user points his or her wand at the map and says, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." The map will return to its original blank state when the user says, "mischief managed." What I find interesting about the map is that it also shows where the people are located. The last picture above shows Albus Dumbledore pacing around in his room. The map is very trustworthy in that it cannot be fooled by disguises such as Polyjuice Potion and Invisibility Cloak. ( From the blog "99 Red Balloons"

This is a map of the Taipei MRT( Municipal Rapid Transit). The map shows the rail lines as well as the stations, letting travelers know which lines to take in order to go to their desired locations. The map also provides a key of the rail lines and their corresponding colors. What I find interesting about the map is that it also shows future lines in faded colors. According to Taipei Times, "The MRT line connecting Taipei to Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport is scheduled to open in 2014," which will be a lot more convenient for travelers because currently they have to take buses to go from the airport to other places. The MRT is a popular transportation in Taipei and is widely used by children and adults alike. ( From the blog "Memoirs on a Rainy Day"

This is a map of the Disneyland theme park. The map provides a general layout of the park and has drawings of the rides to allow people to easily find what they are looking for. The map uses numbers to designate where the restaurants and shops are in the park. It also has symbols of the restrooms and the telephones. What I find interesting about the map is that each of the eight themed areas ( Main Street, U.S.A., Adventureland, New Orleans Square, Frontierland, Critter Country, Fantasyland, Mickey's Toontown, Tomorrowland) has its own color, which makes it a lot easier for people to find the numbers in that area. The map also uses bold and vivid colors that appeal to the people. ( From "Chip & Company"